Get RTO training materials to deliver and assess the qualification ICT20319 Certificate II in Telecommunications Technology from one of Australia’s leading resource developers!
Your ICT20319 Certificate II in Telecommunications Technology learning resources and assessment tools package comes with a full set of training delivery resources, including:
You will receive fully editable training and assessment resources so you can update your materials in line with internal or external audit recommendations, for internal or external validation outcomes, to comply with third party licence obligations, and for updates of training packages.
With your unlimited student licence, you will be able to deliver and assess training to as many students as you want in your RTO. There are no ongoing licence fees and no per-student resources costs! Get in touch now for more information, pricing, and samples of your ICT20319 Certificate II in Telecommunications Technology RTO learning and assessment tools.
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Get a set of RTO training materials to deliver the ICT20319 Certificate II in Telecommunications Technology qualification! This ICT20319 Certificate II in Telecommunications Technology training resources package includes student learning materials and student assessment materials for your trainers to support your compliance activities.
Using these training materials, your RTO will be able to provide valuable training. Help your students gain new skills to increase their employability and pursue new career opportunities in the field.
Your ICT20319 Certificate II in Telecommunications Technology vocational training and assessment resources package includes:
This package is provided in an editable digital format with an unlimited student licence and includes learner guide content!
ICT20319 RTO Training Materials
The ICT20319 Certificate II in Telecommunications Technology qualification is sought after by Australian students, but good training resources are difficult to find. Many RTOs are forced to develop their own training materials at a huge expense or pass up the opportunity to deliver this valuable qualification altogether!
Fortunately, this ICT20319 Certificate II in Telecommunications Technology qualification package was developed by one of Australia’s leading training resource developers and is ready to go “off the shelf”, shortcutting your time to market by months.
Get this complete package so your RTO can complete your addition to scope application or start setting up your ICT20319 Certificate II in Telecommunications Technology course ASAP.
For more information about the ICT20319 Certificate II in Telecommunications Technology qualification, including packaging rules, release information, licensing, elements and performance criteria, performance evidence, knowledge evidence, and assessment conditions, check the official page here – ICT20319 Certificate II in Telecommunications Technology.
Includes ICT20319 Learner Guides!
Many training materials packages are provided as “assessment only” kits, which means you will need to write your own learner guides, buy printed learner guides per student from the developer, or rely on third party textbooks that may not align with your assessment resources.
This ICT20319 Certificate II in Telecommunications Technology resource comes complete with learner guide content! This means your students will have unit-specific information to study before completing summative assessment tasks.
The learner guides are provided in digital format on an unlimited student licence, so there’s just one upfront fee when you invest in the materials, and then you have full access to all the learning content as well as assessments.
Digital, Editable RTO Training Materials
Your ICT20319 Certificate II in Telecommunications Technology training materials will be provided in an editable digital format (Word and other appropriate file formats), so you can make essential modifications as required for your compliance.
Your RTO is allowed to modify these training resources in order to comply with internal or external validation outcomes, internal or external audit recommendations, an update of training package/units, and third-party licence obligations.
Printable ICT20319 Resources
Your RTO will have the option to print unlimited copies of the training resources for use by your students/clients, with no additional licensing costs.
Because the materials are provided in editable digital formats, your RTO will be able to apply any feedback from audits and validations to the assessment materials and then print your own customised hard copy training for use by students.
Contact Us
Contact TotalVET Solutions for more information and samples of this RTO training resource package. Simply fill in the form on this page or call us on 1300 822 599 and learn more now.
This training resource has been written to meet the training package requirements for the ICT20319 Certificate II in Telecommunications Technology qualification. This qualification package is provided “as is” without guarantee, warranty, or condition of any kind.
Simply fill in the form on this page and submit your enquiry for more information and samples of the materials!
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