Just added 100+ New AHC, FWP, and MSM Training Resources

New AHC, FWP, and MSM Training Resources

We are thrilled to introduce our latest training resources specifically designed for the Agriculture, Horticulture, and Conservation and Land Management (AHC), Forest and Wood Products (FWP), and Manufacturing (MSM) industries. These programs have been meticulously developed to equip students with the vital skills and comprehensive knowledge necessary to thrive in these essential sectors.

With a strong emphasis on sustainability, our resources prepare learners to excel in careers that not only demand technical expertise but also a deep understanding of environmentally responsible practices. Whether it’s managing natural resources, processing wood products, or enhancing manufacturing processes, these training materials ensure that students are well-prepared to contribute meaningfully to industries that are pivotal to our economy and the environment.


AHC10124 Certificate I in Conservation and Ecosystem Management
AHC10222 Certificate I in Agriculture
AHC10322 Certificate I in Horticulture
AHC10422 Certificate I in Permaculture Pre-order
AHC20324 Certificate II in Production Horticulture
AHC20724 Certificate II in Nursery Operations
AHC21024 Certificate II in Conservation and Ecosystem Management
AHC21124 Certificate II in Irrigation
AHC21824 Certificate II in Protected Horticulture
AHC30224 Certificate III in Dairy Production Pre-order
AHC30324 Certificate III in Rural and Environmental Pest Management
AHC30624 Certificate III in Production Horticulture
AHC30824 Certificate III in Arboriculture Pre-order
AHC31424 Certificate III in Conservation and Ecosystem Management Pre-order
AHC31824 Certificate III in Beekeeping
AHC32424 Certificate III in Irrigation Technology Pre-order
AHC32724 Certificate III in Rural Merchandising
AHC33722 Certificate III in Protected Horticulture
AHC33822 Certificate III in Permaculture Pre-order
AHC40122 Certificate IV in Agriculture
AHC40224 Certificate IV in Protected Horticulture
AHC40324 Certificate IV in Production Horticulture
AHC40624 Certificate IV in Nursery Operations
AHC40924 Certificate IV in Conservation and Ecosystem Management
AHC41024 Certificate IV in Agribusiness
AHC41124 Certificate IV in Irrigation Management
AHC41724 Certificate IV in Pest Management
AHC50324 Diploma of Production Horticulture
AHC50422 Diploma of Horticulture Management
AHC50524 Diploma of Arboriculture
AHC50621 Diploma of Landscape Design Pre-order
AHC51324 Diploma of Pest Management
AHC51624 Diploma of Irrigation Design
AHC60524 Advanced Diploma of Arboriculture

Browse all AHC Resources



AHCAGB512 Plan and manage infrastructure Pre-order
AHCAGB518 Develop climate risk management strategies Pre-order
AHCAGB519 Plan and monitor production processes
AHCAGB607 Manage succession planning Pre-order
AHCAGB609 Develop export markets for produce Pre-order
AHCAGB610 Manage the production system Pre-order
AHCAGB612 Manage price risk through trading strategy Pre-order
AHCARB314 Implement a tree maintenance program
AHCBIO301 Identify and report unusual disease or plant pest signs
AHCBIO401 Plan and implement a biosecurity program
AHCBUS407 Cost a project
AHCBUS408 Operate within a budget framework
AHCBUS511 Manage enterprise staff requirements
AHCBUS516 Develop and review a business plan
AHCBUS517 Monitor and review business performance
AHCBUS610 Manage agribusiness risk Pre-order
AHCCHM404 Develop procedures to minimise risks in the use of chemicals
AHCCHM405 Plan and implement a chemical use program
AHCCHM501 Develop and manage a chemical use strategy
AHCECR101 Support ecological restoration
AHCECR301 Maintain native ecosystem areas
AHCECR307 Read and interpret maps
AHCECR309 Conduct an ecological and cultural site inspection prior to works
AHCECR310 Implement assisted regeneration works
AHCECR311 Implement ecosystem reconstruction works
AHCFAU302 Identify fauna in the field
AHCIRG437 Schedule irrigations
AHCIRG509 Develop an irrigation and drainage management plan
AHCMOM402 Supervise maintenance of property, machinery and equipment
AHCMOM501 Manage machinery and equipment
AHCMOM502 Implement a machinery management system
AHCNSY208 Maintain indoor plants
AHCPCM507 Diagnose plant health problems
AHCPGD310 Implement a landscape maintenance program
AHCPHT411 Implement and monitor a horticultural crop harvesting program
AHCPHT511 Develop a horticultural production plan
AHCPMG305 Survey pests
AHCSAW202 Recognise landforms and soil types
AHCTRF206 Assist with turf construction
AHCTRF207 Renovate grassed areas
AHCTRF208 Support turf establishment
AHCWHS102 Work safely
AHCWHS503 Manage workplace health and safety processes
AHCWRK102 Maintain the workplace
AHCWRK216 Provide information on products and services
AHCWRK314 Monitor weather conditions
AHCWRK322 Conduct site inspections
AHCWRK408 Provide information on issues and policies
AHCWRK409 Supervise work routines and staff performance
AHCWRK521 Plan, implement and review a quality assurance program

Browse all AHC Resources


FWPCOT3202 Navigate in remote or trackless areas

Browse all FWP Resources


MSMBIO303 Distil bioproducts
MSMENV272 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
MSMOPS212 Use organisation computers or data systems
MSMOPS363 Organise on-site work
MSMSUP100 Apply workplace context to own job
MSMSUP102 Communicate in the workplace
MSMSUP106 Work in a team
MSMSUP200 Achieve work outcomes
MSMSUP210 Process and record information
MSMSUP390 Use structured problem-solving tools
MSMWHS110 Follow emergency response procedures

Browse all MSM Resources


Discover ourcomprehensive range of training packages tailored to meet your RTO’s diverse needs. Our extensive offerings cover a wide range of industries and qualifications, including AUR, AVI, BSB, CHC, CPC, CUA, FNS, FSK, HLT, ICT, MEM, RII, SHB, SIR, TAE, TLI, UEE, and many more.

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