Our consulting partner has a team of seasoned VET professionals with methodologies, compliance systems and processes that are proven effective. They have been implemented and improved across countless RTOs and are proven to stand the rigor of ASQA audits. As the old saying goes, “You don’t know what you don’t know”, and we see this all too often when our RTO consultants conduct their audits. So many RTOs are training without a care in the world when, in actual fact, their house is far from in order, and they are at serious risk should ASQA come knocking.
Rectifications found at audit can often take considerable time to resolve, and the time to start this process is now, not when your RTO’s registration is at risk! Avoid ASQA sanctions, move to the front foot, and have our RTO consultants assist you in your compliance journey today!
Our RTO consulting services will assist your training organisation with all aspects of RTO operations and compliance. Remove the risk and have us assist your RTO with compliance from our RTO management experts!