April 18, 2019 – ASQA News and Publications – Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) has released two important notices for all Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) delivering or planning to deliver “Provide First Aid” or other first aid–related units. This is in response to a recent Coroner’s decision in Western Australia recommending changes on how training is delivered to sports trainers and other first responders, and RTO queries on how CPR demonstrations should be conducted.
Notice #1 Review Heat Stroke Advice for HLTAID003 Provide First Aid or other first aid–related units
The Provide First Aid course outlines the minimum requirements for workplace first aid compliance. It gives students the necessary skills and knowledge required to deliver life support, first aid response and management of casualty until emergency responders arrive.
The notice from ASQA directs RTOs to review the content of their training and assessment in first aid for hyperthermia. This is after a recent Coroner’s decision in Western Australia recommended that training provided to sports trainers and other first responders should be altered to include the latest approaches to treating heat-related illness, as outlined in ‘Heatstroke advice for sports trainers and coaches’.
HLTAID003 Provide First Aid is being reviewed in 2019-20. While this revision is underway, ASQA recommends that RTOs:
- immediately review the guidance in ‘Heatstroke advice for sports trainers and coaches’ (see below)
- ensure that training your RTO provides on heat stroke aligns with this advice.
Notice #2 Learners Must Demonstrate CPR on a Manikin on the Floor for HLTAID003 Provide First Aid or other first aid–related units
The ASQA has clearly stated that learners must demonstrate CPR on a manikin on the floor. This is after RTOs in the past have sought clarification from ASQA for learners performing rescuer cardiopulmonary (CPR) on adult resuscitation manikin placed on the floor. With this notice, the ASQA has clearly set the requirements for CPR training and stated that CPR done on a manikin placed on a table or similar does not meet the standards for training.
The First Aid Guide Companion Volume to the HLT Training Package (page 12) states:
‘It is important to note that the HLTAID competency standards do require a level of physical ability to meet the evidence requirements for assessment. These standards relate to the level of performance required to provide resuscitation and respond to an emergency situation where there may be risk to life.
Due to the potential risk to health and safety where a nominated first aider, or worker with duty of care, does not have the ability to perform resuscitation and/or first aid to the performance standard, it is not appropriate to issue a statement of attainment to students who are physically unable to meet the assessment requirements.’
Source: ASQA News and Publications